Just Sparkle

Just Sparkle

Friday, March 21, 2014

Well, Butter My Biscuits!

 Around 11:00 the other night, I was having a hard time sleeping.  In true "me" fashion, I check my email and see that I have a blog comment.  To my surprise, Megan, from The Walker Fireside Chats, said she nominated me for the Liebster Award.  Let me confess something.  I had no idea what this was.  I am a baby blogger who is not familiar with the blog world.  I still don't know what Linky Party or Blog Hop means.  

So naturally, I Googled Liebster Award.   It's basically a big shout out from one blogger to other rising bloggers that inspire! I have to say that I feel pretty darn special right now knowing that a fellow blogger thought enough of me to send a pat on the back.  If you get a chance, check out her blog, The Walker Fireside Chats.  It's such a fun read from a sweet personality!

Now I have the opportunity to recognize other bloggers!  How exciting!

Here are the rules to accept the award:

  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you and display the award.
  2. Answer eleven questions the blogger gives you.
  3. Give eleven random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate eleven blogs that have less than 200 followers you think are deserving of the award (I broke the rules here, a bit.  I am a complete baby in the blogging world, so I haven't quite found the younger blogs yet).
  5. Let the bloggers know you nominated them.
  6. Give them eleven questions to answer.
Megan's Questions for Me:

  1. What made you start a blog?  A general need to express what is going on in my life, share the fun, share the victories.  I would never actually talk to my friends about it because I always felt like it would be kind of a downer.  We lost the ability to relate that way when I divorced.
  2. Who is your blogging mentor?  I don't really have one, but there are many that inspire me.
  3. Talk about a favorite piece in your wardrobe. I have a pair of jeans that I love.  If I could wear them every day, I would.  It's one of the few pair I have ever had in my life that fit JUST right.  I need to buy 10 more pair.
  4. What is one tip you would offer to a new blogger?  Blog from your heart.  If you don't have anything heartfelt to say, wait a day or two.
  5. If you had to go your whole life eating only one meal, what would it be? Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and cream gravy.  Granted, it would be a much shorter life.
  6. Are you a morning person? Why or why not? NO!  I am a night owl.  It takes my body a good 30-45 minutes to wake up, even after a nap.
  7. In your opinion, what makes a successful blogger? It depends on your goals.  For example, My goal is to reach, inspire, and relate to people in similar positions as myself.  If I can accomplish that, with even a few, then I consider myself successful.
  8. What is your favorite color and why? Blue.  It just draws me in.
  9. What is your favorite animal and why? Dogs.  I adore dogs.  They are like fuzzy little people, but without the sass!
  10. Who is your best friend and why?  My best friend was a wonderful lady.  She passed away 6 years ago from breast cancer.  I have many close friends now, but none are anywhere near where she was in my life.
  11. What is the most unusual pet you have ever had?This may not be unusual for some, but I had a Kingsnake at one point.

11 Random Facts
  1. I HATE spiders.  HATE.  HATE. HATE.
  2. I wanted to be in the Marine Corps when I was a child.
  3. I love to fish.
  4. I recently learned how to shoot a handgun.
  5. I love to read.
  6. I want to move to Bora Bora.
  7. Boiled squash makes me gag.
  8. I wish I could wear flip flops year round.
  9. I have a tattoo (inconspicuously placed)
  10. I am afraid of heights.
  11. I can't function without coffee.

Now for my favorite part of this.  I get to give props to some other bloggers who inspire me!  Some of these girls had me in tears (in a good way)!

 Diary of a Traveling Wheelchair
Martina's blog is the story of her journey through life with her family while being wheelchair bound.  Her posts are so inspirational and it's obvious that she has a powerful voice and a passion!  She is one who truly uses her faith in God to overcome struggles and shows everyone that adaptability is key.

Orli, Just Breathe
Orli lives in London.  Her blog shares her journey through a huge move with a family and her experiences with her son's Ocular Albinism.  Her is encouraging to feel her own strength through some of her posts.  I love her positive and informative blog.

Single Modern Mom's Conceiving Piper
Ashley's blog instantly captured my heart.  A single mother by choice, and this is her story!  This is as real as it gets.

Adventures with the Cronks
April shares her adventures of travel, parenting, crafting, renovating...you name it.  What I really like about her blog is that it is so easy to relate to.  It's refreshing to see that parents are not alone with the unique adventures of living life and having kids.

Wisdom, Grace, and Chickens
Kay completely won me over with her down-to-earth, honest, and humorous posts about faith, family, and natural living.  I hope to learn a few things from her!

Seeking Harmony 
Suzanne shares her life as a wife and homeschooling mom.  She has some great tips, tricks, projects, and recipes.  She also shares her personal experiences and how they cope through struggles and life changes.

Oh My, Marta
I honestly don't know how many followers she has.  Maybe too many, but I love her blog.  It takes a lot of courage to share your struggles and internal conflicts with the world, but she does.  It is very easy to relate. 

NOW:  Here are the things I would LOVE to know about the great folks above.  ~From your biggest fan.

  1. What triggered your desire to start blogging?
  2. What is your goal as a blogger?
  3. If you had the chance to be someone else for one day, who would you be and why?
  4. How would your best friend describe you?
  5. What childhood memory stands out the most?
  6. What is your greatest fear?
  7. What was the happiest moment in your life?
  8. What is your favorite breakfast food?
  9. If you could go back 5 years and give one piece of advice to yourself, what would that be?
  10. What is your drink of choice?
  11. What is your biggest pet peeve?

To Megan at The Walker Fireside Chats.  Thanks again for the shout out! Your encouragement means the world!



  1. Love the post! Thanks for sharing : )

  2. I'm so excited to answer these questions! Thank you so much for nominating me. I'll do the post this weekend!

  3. Would you believe I'm still working on this?! I'm nearly done though and still so honored you chose me as 1 of your 11!

  4. Kay, I was honored to include you!


Feel free to comment! Messages and potential blog contributions can also be sent to cassidyberd@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!