Just Sparkle

Just Sparkle

Saturday, March 8, 2014

No Matches Found

I'm an ambitious procrastinator.  I tend to have great ideas and start a project, but not finish it.  This blog is a project I never started in the first place, though the idea to get one going came about 5 months ago, when they said I was unmatchable.  Take a seat by the fire, kick off your heals, grab a glass of wine, and learn about the world of dating...again.

I guess I shouldn't say "dating."  I haven't actually been on a date in years.  Let me back up a step.  My child (my pride, my joy, my tiny version of me) stays with the ex about 40% of the time.  I hate it.  When Child is gone, that is when the loneliness starts to edge in.  When Child is gone, it's just me:  no little messes to pick up; no extra laundry to do; no one to wake me up at 6:00 AM on a Saturday to make pancakes and play pirates.  

One weekend, while Child was at the ex's, loneliness got the best of me.  I'm not one that is confident enough to go out and mingle and meet a guy.  Think about it:  late thirties, a few (OK a few times two) extra pounds, and that nagging voice of a jerkish ex-husband in the back of my mind, telling me that I could be prettier if ________________.  Now, I am not feeling sorry for myself.  I'm not bad looking and I can doll up pretty well.  I'm not TOTALLY lacking confidence...but at times I do.  The dating pool is pretty shallow where I live, to top it off. 

Anyways, one weekend, I decided to try out the online dating thing.  I created an account with a "reputable" site, which will remain nameless.  I found my best pictures that brought out all my best features.  I carefully, but honestly, answered all the questions.  I didn't put too many limits on the type of guy I was looking for.  When I was done, I was sure I would have an inbox full of prospects in no time.  

Then it happened...the MESSAGE.  That nagging little box that popped up out of the blue and said, in a nutshell, "We are sorry.  We couldn't find any matches for you, but try again some other time."  It might as well have said "Hey, sorry about that.  You might try a biker bar.  We hear the animal shelter has lots of cats to adopt."

I'm...not...matchable??  Come on...I have seen some of the couples walking around, and thought "Well, now, there's somebody for everybody."  But, not for me?  I had a good week-long pout about that.
Since then, I still have those moments where loneliness rears its ugly head, but overall, I am content.  I have found definite advantages to being single, like, not having to close the bathroom door, half the laundry, and no dirty underwear laying on the piano.

One day, though, maybe my real prince will come.  Let's just hope he's not another toad in disguise.


  1. That just means the dating site was a piece of junk. I obviously don't know you personally, but I have a very hard time believing there's NO ONE for you in the universe. Before I was married, I found when I was happy with myself and developing my own interests, guys pounded down my door. But when I acted pathetic and let myself be consumed with finding someone, no one was interested.

    Don't let a dating site tell you who you are!!!

    1. Haha! Realistically, I know that there is someone out there. It was just surprising that a well publicized site would come to that conclusion. It was my first, and last attempt at online dating :)


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