Just Sparkle

Just Sparkle

Sunday, March 9, 2014

5 Movies Single Women (and some men) Should and Should not see

Before I even begin, let me preface this by saying that I lean toward the edge of chicken.  I don't do horror movies, even when I am not alone.  Some of these suggestions are for those of you in my circle of single mom/dad/person chicken-hood.  I fully realize that some of you are Van Helsing with breasts.  Kudos to you.

Let's start with the "Avoid" list:

#1:  The Strangers - A couple is terrorized in a vacation home by some unknowns.  Just thinking about this movie has me wanting to clean up the .45.  Every little bump in the night is all of the sudden a masked murderer out for my psychological torture and blood.  I like sleep....no...I LOVE sleep.  On a psycho torture scale of one to 10, this is a solid 9.

#2:  Blair Witch Project- Three brave little film students set out to make a documentary about the infamous Blair Witch in Maryland, never to return.  I remember the first time I saw this movie, I was in college,  and much less chicken.  I watched it about 3 or 4 times, because it was so fast paced and jumpy that I always found some little detail I missed.  Every little breaking tree branch sound was ingrained in my head.  So, the bad part was that summer I spent a couple of months camping in the woods.  Every night, I could hear tree branches crack and break.  I was convinced that any moment I would be snatched from my tent and all that would remain would be a bag of bloody teeth.  SO WHAT you may say?  I still camp in the woods!.  Creep, creep, creep.

#3:  The Notebook:  Epic story of true love and lost love.  Seriously...I spend too much time trying to get my mascara just right and a snot stained pillow isn't any more appealing.  Those kind of love stories are NOT meant to boost the overly sensitive, super sappy single spirit.

#4:  Titanic:  This has nothing to do with history.  It's all about love and love lost.  Worthy of a bottle of wine and antidepressants. 

#5: Pretty Woman:  Nothing makes you feel as inadequate as watching a movie where a hooker gets the man of her dreams while you sit alone with a bag of Cheetos and a gallon of ice cream.

In all seriousness, the movies above all all pretty good flicks, if you like that kind of stuff.  To keep your sanity and and avoid the urge to jump off the nearest bridge or adopt a cat, just pass them up.

Now for my faves list.  When I am in a movie mode, these and movies like these, are my go-tos:

#1:  Eat, Pray, Love:  A woman rediscovers herself with gelato, friendship, and spiritual awakening.  Yes, there is the love element, but it gives us single folks some hope, assuming we don't have to travel around the world to find it.

#2:  Salt: Why?  Because Angelina Jolie takes ass kicking to a new level!  Any movie with tough, independent women is always a good bet.

#3: Miss Congeniality:  Again, the woman is the heroine (Sandra Bullock is just awesome anyway).  Comedy + a little action makes a great, feel-good, movie night.

#4: The Avengers:  I only put this on here because Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans haunt my dreams.  Good movie, good scenery. Just do it.

#5:  Single Mom's Club:  I'm being presumptive here, since it doesn't actually come out until this Friday.  However, the idea of a group of single moms that band together reminds me of a modern day Ya-Ya sisterhood.

#6:  Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood:  OK, so I added an extra movie, but it is worth the add.  This is a movie about the bond between women that had every group of friends screaming "YA-YA!" in every beer joint and every Red Hat Society meeting around the country. 

So this is the list.  There are lots of great new movies in theaters that look worthy of a go.  So, support your artists, and check them out.  Voila. It is done.

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